Monday 25 April 2016

Notes about characters and settings while watching American Horror Story: Hotel series

two faces(Claudia and Quentin)

I love how they have taken an manikin and have began to pour the face on its such an interesting use of photo manipulation.:
For Claudia and Quentin i have looked at the two different faces on one face, and these images show that and they are all different. I really like the first one, as one side looks human and the other side doesnt, which i think relates to my characters, as Quentin isnt real and this is why i chose this image. The other i looked at as they just have various ways of showing it, such as the sculpture at the bottom, is like there are mulitple people, but it looks like she is shaking her head and her face keeps going, which i thought was interesting as well. These images are from pinterest, which i have used in my moodboard for both of these characters.

The darks and whites of the photo reflects contrast amoungst the two faces making them both stand out

When creating mine i dont want the face to be at all similar and they should contrast to how they are personality wise and the key word i have chosen to go with them.

inside, outside: No information about this but it is two different photographs put together to create a half skull, half face image. That heavily relates to the theme of inside, outside and in between.:

Sculptures by Enrico Ferrarini: After five years of study at the Art Institute A. Venturi in Modena, Enrico Ferrarini moved to Florence at the Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture section. Traveled and work in different countries, France, Spain, Poland, England, Africa, Germany, specializing at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München. Ferrarini currently lives and works in Carrara:

Final Project Images

Products used:
Kryolan supracolor
Illamasqua matte primer
llamasqua white powder

Brushes used:
Eyeshadow brush
Blending brush
foundation brush
lip brush

Backcomb brush
Bobby pins

I think that this final project went well and i think that creating this make up went well and it has turned out how i want it.
What i think i would do again if i could would be not to make Quentin side so red, as it is very bright, but i did want it to look theatrical.
When starting the project i should have planned when i was going to do, as i did do it in the last week, so a plan would help when, so i know what i need to do every day.

For this look i applied the face with matte primer and then Kryolan supracolor in white, to get the pale look, then the eyeshadow was the same palette in purple, but adding black on top of it to to make to slightly darker in the corner of the eye, next i drew the eyebrow on with the black, but was easy to cover the white over them before this, as the model had no eyebrows.
The pink was the same palette, and it does remind me of someone that has been crying, which is what i wanted, i wanted to show the emotion of the face and i wanted it to look over the top, especially because of Claudia character.
The lips was white outlined, and the purple and black mixed in for the rest of it, but it stayed in the lip line, as in the 1920s it didnt go over that.
Quentin's side of the face, was just red Kryolan Supracolor, blending around the corner of the eye, and i like it as it is not to much, but enough that it does stand out.
With the hair i do like Claudia's side better, as she is crazy and i thought that went well with the personality, but Quentin's is more simple, not that he isnt crazy to, he just makes more sense to look this way compared to Claudia, so there is a contrast between the two.

Face charts for Quentin

For Quentin i looked at two designs, of the sore part around his eye, and i like the first one, as it is just in the corner and then it comes around, unlike the other, where it is all the way around most the eye, that would probably be more realistic, but i really like the theatrical way of creating it, as i think it stands out.

I have created these face charts separtely from Claudia, even though he is going to be on one side of the face and her on the other, as he is from her imagination and i thought it would work a lot easier and Quentin wouldnt have much to his face, if it was just his own character.

Mina's Hair style Practice

 For My characters har design i sectioned the top part of the hair, so then i could sectioned the bottom half, after i did that, i gathered on the hair at the top, and made it into a quick bun, the front parts of the hair i used the bun to tuck them back into.

I think that if i did this again, i would take more time on it and make the curls here to look more elegant, but the idea was to make it quick, as iam going for a look when Mina is with Dracula and him controlling her, and i dont want her to be her normal self.

Friday 22 April 2016

Quentin's makeup idea

beautiful & bruised:

I was looking at bruised, sore eye, as i want Quentin to have that, but in a more theatrical way, so the red a lot more intense, as i want the red, but not so much purples or blacks. I have chosen these from my pinterest moodboard,as they stand out and show the look i want to create. The first image, shows the makeup i want to apply to make it look sore around the corner of the eye.The reason i want to do this, is because i want the character Quentin to be a bad guy type,but as he is not real, he doesnt sleep, but he is Claudia imagination, but does really exist in the hotel, but as this happens, he slowly starts to look more human, as he can't handle how Claudia is behaving towards him and wanting him there with her all the time.

 : bruised eye - Google Search:

Thursday 21 April 2016

Films relating to my character.

Black Swan

I have chosen this as i think that some of it can be related to my character, as the film is about a ballerina in Swan lake, where the lead character has to play a innocent part and the dark part, but a new character is put into it that can do the dark part better than she can and she can't handle it, and the presure it builds in her and she soon spirals downwards and starts losing a grip on reality.

I think some of that relates, as the losing the grip on reality, as Claudia, isnt aware that Quentin isnt real and what is really real in the world, i think it is more about the character in Black Swan that goes with Claudia, to do more with her behaviour than anything, instead of what the film is actually about, as that is not what im trying to show when researching the films, but how the characters behave.

Accessed on: 21/04/2016