Sunday 31 January 2016

My Character Design

I have decided to choose Mina Murray from the Bram Stoker's Dracula as i think that her character is very interesting and you can do a lot of things with it. I want to focus on when Dracula feeds her his blood to control her and i want to portray her that way, as though she is hypnotised and does what he wants.

To me Mina is very innocent and doesnt find things appropraite of what Lucy speaks of, and wants to be married to Jonathan as soon as possible, but when she meets Dracula she becomes a entirely different person.

I like all the different intrepretations of Mina as they are interesting and are not all the same as each other.

Mina Murray(Harker) Bram Stoker's Dracula Film

Mina Murray Dracula Tv Series.

Mina Harker in League of Extrodinary Gentlemen Film


Mina in TV Series Penny Dreadful.

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