Tuesday 16 February 2016

Practice of Early Victorian hair

What i did first was brush the hair and clip the front back, to part the hair.

Then i did the same on the other side.

I made a bun at the back of the hair, but just using a hair band then twisting the hair around it and securing it with a bobby pin.

At the front with the hair that was clipped back, plaited them on both sides, underneath the ears and up into the bun.

When i do it again though, i need to work on the plaiting of it, as i started it quite high up, but other than that i think that it went well, but i do find it quite hard to do victorian hair, as i have never done it before and they are intricate, in the early era.

This was just what the plait should look like and where about it should be and not started to high up, as this way in the image is the way it would have been done at that time.

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